Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tool #6: Using Web Tools to Promote Discussion in and out of the Classroom

My department and I have used Today's Meet to discuss questions we have regarding meetings we attend. This backchannel helps us to limit our talking, but still get our questions answered. We also tried using Today's Meet during a staff development session in order to make sure the content is understood and how the content applies to us as a department. I would like to follow up and use this tool again at our Teacher U session for bilingual teachers. I have created a room, and will ask teachers to comment during the presentation as a backchannel. Here is the link:

I created an Edmodo group as a social learning community for 2nd grade bilingual teachers to use in order to exchange ideas and share information. A code was given to the group to access the "2nd Grade Bilingual Teachers" group. We have been sharing ideas all year long regarding teaching language arts in the OWDL program.
Here is a sample conversation:

2nd Grade Bilingual Teachers

type your note here... 
  • Mrs. Menjivar's avatar
    Mrs. Menjivar to 
    2nd Grade Bilingual Teachers
    The students enjoy their English reading. Most of them have a good fluency and good uinderstanding of the text. I think they will doo fine on TELPAS!
    • Sarah's avatar
      Me to 
      2nd Grade Bilingual Teachers
      How are your English groups going? I wanted to check in with all of you to see how your students are doing. What do you think the implications of what we have done will be in regards to TELPAS?
      • Mrs. Burling's avatar
        Mrs. Burling to 
        2nd Grade Bilingual Teachers
        Hi everyone. I have been working on creating new bilingual centers for the 3rd 9 weeks, and I just wanted to share one of my ideas. For one of my Spanish bilingual centers, I have students try to guess the American Hero by reading the description. To find out if they guessed right, they use a barcode scanner on their IPOD to reveal the answer. I've attached the translated document of the cards that you can print out, fold in half, and laminate. I also attached the website for the QR code creator I used. Hope this helps.
        • Ms. Garza - I found this idea awesome!! I'll try it next week as we're working with heroes in social studies.
          Thanks for sharing !!!
          • Jan 21, 2012
        • Show 2 more replies...
        • Mrs. Pena - Great idea!! thanks for sharing

      1 comment:

      1. I love Edmodo. It was a great experience have the chance to give you feedback just right after the session and for you, as a presenter, a good tool to monitor implementation.
        Great job!
